Tuesday, January 28, 2014

There's a reason

for everything.

Tonight was my monthly Care & Feeding of Light Body class at Visions & Dreams in Costa Mesa, CA.  I had two guests. Ok, so it cost me to teach, but the thing is, I believe so much in the direction I have been inspired to go in, I believe so much in being of service to the world, to the souls open enough, wise enough, ready enough to continue their own transformational process that I willingly commit and go each and every month to teach this class even knowing that I won't make one penny. 

No, it's about something else, for you see...

and I do.

Come on, join with me... *smiles* ... it's easy!

love is all you need!


until next week... all you need is love, yeah!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


This week has been interesting. I guess really this could be said of any given week, right? I mean, afterall, we are able to find something interesting in every single week of each year... So, why did I say that about this past week?

Well, I was focused on amethyst.

This geode might not seem that big but it is large, AND heavy.  my hand and forearm fits in this, so as you can now guess you simply don't see the length of it. Regardless, it sits on the top shelf of my desk. I've placed several significant items in it.

~ my shaman's crystal (the rounded one), which sits on a plate of
~ lepidolite, and beside this
~ a very smooth stone from a sacred pool in Brazil, which pool? I don't know, it was a gift.

Behind these is a photo of the cursing stones in Sligo, Ireland, and wrapped around the photo is a healing string taken from the healer's peg found in the center of the stones... it's used to wrap around broken bones, fractures, and sprains.  On top of these I place a bloodstone.

A fascinating history surrounds these healing threads and the cursing stones.

Back in 2007, during the sacred pilgrimage that year, we searched for these stones and actually drove right past them. We stopped at the next farmhouse we came upon, about 1/4 mile down the road, only to learn the family that lived there were actually the current caretakers of these stones.  Caretakers were generational, handed down from one family to the next to tend the stones and make sure they were always turned right, that no one had crept into the graveyard during the night and put a curse on someone.  Powerful magic those stones. The healing threads were just as old a practice... and as the old man instructed, I put a new thread around the stone peg in offering and to keep the supply there before removing one of the older ones.  The one I took was a bit of a shoelace... made me laugh at the time, but it works. Since 2007 I have used this thread 4 times on various friends, students and clients, and each time the person went back to their doctor for the follow-up visit, the doctors were always amazed at how quickly their injury was healing. So, they work.

Ok, now, aren't you curious WHY I titled this blog post "Finally" ?  *laughs*

Look who I took a photo of today?

Tristan Shane Reidling

Yep, that's our 18 year old son... soon to be 19! OMG, but don't they grow-up fast!  However, he's on his way out to hang-out with friends (as usual), and when I asked, "Will you be having dinner with us tonight?"  I was given a one word answer.

I bet you can already guess that answer, so I'm not going to even write it, I'll show you the result of that answer.

And, NO, I didn't give him any money. He actualy found that in his jacket pocket. *sighs*  Fair enough.  Off he goes, into his life that will continue to take him away more and more and ... oneday, well, he won't call our home his home. Ugh! Amazing how that inevitable reality gives me a little chest pain!  *smiles softly*

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dinners At Home

There is something to be said about the art of dinnertime. As the world keeps changing, I am becoming aware that less and less people -- families mainly -- do not practice this age-old art; one that supports connection within the family unit, a greater sense of unity, but also directly engages communication.

Ok, there are more benefits to these, like better food (healthy and wholesome :P ), less expense, and ending the day with a great greater sense of peace -- not always, I guess, hahahaha, sometimes those communications can lead to arguments, but most of the time it doesn't.

Anyway, I was raised on family dinners, and in my own small family unit I have stressed the importance of it as well. What's that old saying:  "a family that eats together lasts together"  ?  ha Ok, I changed it up a bit. But you get the idea.

Here is our first Tuesday meal of 2014.  I served baked chicken, cornbread stuffing, steamed carrots and an Italian bread.  It was yummy. As you can clearly see, it was only Jack and I for that dinner as our lovely son Tristan, who has yet to appear in a blog photo, was out and about with his friends. Well, he's almost 19 and in college, still living at home, and socializing is more important to him these days then being at home. Yes, it's how it goes. Doesn't mean I like him always missing dinnertimes, but it's his life now and he venturing out into it. 

And, Jack and I realize, a family starts as a couple, and in away, returns back to a couple once the fledglings fly the coop.  :)

At least we have our surrogate baby:

Mari!!!!!! lol  NO, she isn't a child replacement, but was adopted as a companion for Tristan, though she has become more my companion during the day when TT goes off to college and Jack goes off to work. I love having her in the house.  She is my first "dog" experience and I am pretty lucky it is with such an incredible beast!  She's sweet, and has a great personality.

Until next Tuesday, keep smiling!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It All Started With New Year's Eve!

Yep. Jack and I were out and about and suddenly, standing in the middle of a tide-pool ledge in Laguna, being hokey acting like tourists and taking pictures, this brainchild popped into my head and I proclaimed then and there that I would blog EVERY Tuesday in 2014. Not only that, but I would also take a photo.

Ok, let me find the photos from that New Year's Eve... but I know it wasn't this year yet, though it WAS a Tuesday, and that's ok, cuz that's the inception of this venture... and as good a subject as any to blog about on this first Tuesday!

Am I cheating?  *laughing*  Well, heck, I think it's ok to do whatever I want, just as long as I am doing a Tuesday blog.

Omg! I'm on my side... ok note to self:  edit before uploading ... wait, let me see if I can do that now. Yep, I got it.

The inception of Tuesdays This Year. 

That's me, in case you haven't guessed by now, and this is the moment of inception, or rather about 3 minutes after when I excitedly exclaimed: "oh my god, take a picture of me right now." For all intent and purposes this photo will be called:  The inception of Tuesdays This Year. 

 That's Jack

New Year's Eve was a soft, gentle, quiet celebration. Jack came in from surfing, I logged off SL, and we had lunch. Then, his brainchild was to just take a drive and stop wherever we wanted, when we wanted, for as long as we wanted.  Agreeing, we decided to head south on Pacific Coast Hwy. This location in Laguna was our first stop. A residential area.  

God but that day was gorgeous. The sun was so bright and warm, not hot, but a perfect temperate warm. 

This little cove was littered with tourists, the majority of whom were clearly from out of state. But it was fun, and everyone was happy. We fit right in even if we were locals... local tourists.  *smiles*

Next stop was Dana Point Wharf. We took us a stroll, stopped in at El Torrito for marqiritas, chips & salsa, and then strolled back to the car. Hmmm, not so sure I spelled marquiritas right. Don't think so but right now I am just too lazy to use a dictionary. 

Feeling A Bit Fiesty After Those Marqueritas

Well, by the time we got back to the car and drove back down the coast through Laguna, and down into Corona del Mar, the sun was descending. So we turned left, and found a spot on the road above Little Corona, and joined the other nature lovers to watch the sunset.

And so the sun set on New Year's Eve... an incredibly beautiful sunset at that:

Here's to an equally incredible and beautiful 2014!

P.S. I will be adding a photo taken today. I just want to wait until the family is home to do that, and yeah, I'll be adding that NEXT blog!  :-P