Tuesday, February 18, 2014

For Riochar

My dear friend, Riochar, and soul sister died

Wednesday, 12 Februar, 2013
@ 8:15 pm

after a long hard battle with liver cancer.  Her physical body now deceased, her Light Body can live and return to source.

I first met Riochar in 1995. She made contact with me after reading my Faery Wicca books. She was then known as MorningWolf and followed her Native American Indian heritage and spiritual practices, but she was drawn to me and very much wanted to go to Ireland with me on a sacred pilgrimage. We did.  In fact, we journeyed to Ireland four times, once the day after her own father's death... a journey of great healing for her.

Riochar quickly became a close friend, and together we went through many changes. We shared with each other our woes and our celebrations. She was my student for many years, but I pulled her out of that role and into her own mentoring role for others.

An example of how much delight she took

 in guiding others on their own spiritual journeys!  (lol) 

Another very important journey we made together was with our dear friend Sharon. The three of us spent 10 days together in Ireland, where we traveled to visit Tom MacNamarra, our traditional seanachi (storyteller). During that visit, he welcomed us into his home, serving us tea and having me cut the cake and serve it. He allowed us to visit the two stone circles on his farm not open to the public. Most importantly, these two dear ladies and close friends were there to witness his bequeathal of his personal journals into my hands, proclaiming that I was his successor, and from that day considered by him to be the seanachi of Lough Gur... naturally, I was stunned, we all were, and though I instantly refused such an entitlement, knowing the type of trouble that could bring me by the locals of the province who would clearly have a tissy-fit over this, I was humbled beyond measure and shocked to learn in a personal handwritten letter from his own daughter of his death three days after our visit.

Riochar stuck by me through thick and thick, just as I did for her. When others disparaged her, I lifted her up. When she would wallow in her own self-pity, I would pull her out of it. She always did the same for me.

Together our journey deepened, taking us into private work together as Arch-Druidesses in the Druidic Clan of Dana. Our spiritual work was personal and also for the continued direction and guidance for our beloved community of FFN.

She celebrated with me some of my greatest joys and all of my sorrows. For a number of years, we spent almost every Thursday night together. She joined with my family every Thanksgiving until this last year, when her illness had taken it's toll on her and she was unable to come.

The relationship she and I shared was very private for her, not something she shared with many, though anyone involved in her life knew of me. No, Riochar shared with me a very unique side of herself she kept from others. In my heart I know I was honored with knowing her authentic soul, the woman whose hopes and dreams and visions and, yes, sorrows, she kept from others.

Yes, my Riochar was beautiful, soft, loving, a faery queen. Macha.

To you my dear heart, the one whose wisdom I always sought out, whose insights always lit the way, whose reassurances always strengthened my resolve, your physical presence on this earth will be sorely missed, the audible sound of your voice hungered for as the months go by... but just as the light illuminated my house two nights ago when I woke at 2am and said to the ethers, "Riochar, are you there?"  I know, you are, for you are one of the new Ascended Masters, Avatar,  Sidhe, Angel, Star Being; my dear friend whose transition had always been aligned with the New Earth and the New Ways to be one of the Enlightened Ones to guide us forward on this new 26,000 year cycle.

You shall never be forgotten!

Deep Peace & Blessings Be!

I love you Riochar.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Long And Winding Road...

Ah, it has happened!

A day that will fade but never be forgotten for a few of us.

A day that marked a major turning point in my life, my son's life, our life.

A day that was an ending and yet an incredible new beginning.

All you mom's (and dad's) out there know what I am talking about when I say today my son got his driver's license!

1:30 pm today we pulled up to the waiting zone, Tristan was a bundle of nerves and I held his hand and gave him some Reiki. He instantly remarked how he felt the calm come over him.

Everytime I looked at my son today I saw a young man about to truly enter his own life... and I had to fight back the tears and force a smile on my face. Oh, don't get me wrong I was proud and it was easy to smile... I'm just being dramatic. 

And when the instructor came and I got out of the car and walked up to the waiting area, I couldn't help but ask myself "Now what?"  And before I could answer, there drove by Tristan and the instructor, the test having begun.


His sweetheart arrived and she and I sat excitedly talking, wondering, finger's crossed. During that time I suddenly felt... "replaced".  *smiles* A natural occurrence. I wanted to feel so excited, but I didn't. I wanted to be super happy, but I wasn't. I was in a bit of a numb.  Yeah, a numb.  Mama Bear sat in a numb, asking herself over and over, "Now what?"

When they returned before another driver taking the test who'd gone before Tristan,  and the length of time I watched Tristan listening and nodding to whatever his instructor was saying, I thought he'd failed.

He was a success. 

Maybe I was a success at that moment too, cuz I knew he was gonna have a great life and he was gonna be alright.  We finished our business at the inside Window 4 so he could get his license and then we parted ways. He off with his girl.

Me... I drove home alone, singing quietly...

Today... I am simply numbing it.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spring is here and love grows

Remember when you were young and in love?
Ok, well remember when you were old and in love?
lol... or no matter what age, remember when you were in love?

I'm talking fresh in love... in the oozes of brand new love... maybe love not yet declared, but that exquisite feeling of butterflies and gasping breath?

All I have to do is watch my son and his new girlfriend Lyric to see it...

Yep, these two kids are thick in it and it is quite lovely to watch bloom.

So here's to these two
and here's to all the new lovers in our world...
whoever they may be...
wherever they may be...
no matter what age they may be...
we lift our glasses high to you
and share a toast

"Love is a many splendid thing!"