This is Ralf, my babyface, sweethearted, sensitive, incredibly intuitive Dutch son. lol (Sorry Ralf if I embarrass you in this blog, it's not intentional, I'm just being honest.)
I first met Ralf in Costa Mesa, California during an introduction gathering to Healing Arts Basic & Advanced training on March 16th. He was one of three facilitators there, and the youngest; in fact, he was the youngest person in attendance and in many ways he had more wisdom than many of the older individuals in attendance. Ralf was a frequency all his own and one worth reckoning with.
From the moment I met Ralf, I felt connected with him. I knew him. He was instantly recognized as being family! His warmness radiated. Though that first time we had very little interaction, I watched him, witnessing his uncanny ability to intuit each situation and know exactly what was needed.
When I saw him again, two weeks later, at the Healing Arts~Liquid Light Frequencies Basic & Advanced Training in Pacific Palisades, during those four days I got to know him and interact with him on a more personal level; it was then, that our journey truly began.
And then again, two weeks later, while in Holland, our relationship became cemented in this lifetime through all lifetimes (past and future), and I have no doubt Ralf and I have and will continue to always know and love one another.
Ralf is a son and a brother and a father, a mother, a daughter, a sister... he is all these to me and more, he is "family" and always has been.
For those of us who have the opportunity to experience and know him, we are blessed.
To you, Ralf, what more can I say, except... "I love you my sweetie-pie!" For all the incredible video work you do, for all the incredible work you do on and ...
This is RALF van der DUIN!
With love,
... the Holland Journey blog posts will continue...
Do something for me... play the following video, close your eyes, and feel where your Star Child is within you... is he hiding? is she wounded? is she afraid to show herself?
more importantly, ask yourself, all dimensions of yourself: "Am I afraid to become vulnerable?"
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. I just want to say to you, "You're not alone." I'd been frozen for a long time too!
But, I can truly say that I have completely thawed out... and the day I knew it to be true was the second day of:
Healing Arts ~ Liquid Light Frequencies
Coaching for Children
Part 1
with an incredible group of people in Holland. Because of this, I know it's time to become completely vulnerable and share my story, my truth.
I think it's time to tell who I am.... For you see, I've kept her locked safe inside for so long that there was a time I stopped thinking about her. When she re-emerged in the mid-80s I had no choice but to re-acknowledge her, but still, I refused to tell anyone. Why? Because I was certain that if I did those I told would consider me insane and eventually someone would seek to have me committed.
But I've gone home to my family, my Star Family, and each day I began to say little things, give little hints about "me" and now I can tell the full story. So here it goes...
Back row (left to right): me, Elaine, Saskia, Sara, Inge, Kari, Lisa, Louis, Jay, Sterre, Maja, Esther, Emmie, Djurre, John (under Djurre), Jules and Jo (under Jules)
Middle row (left to right): Ralf, Bas, Giel, Frederique, Cedric, Jaap, Tessa, Jodie, and Joanne
The 2 in front (left to right): Leeuwerik and Cornelia
I simply have no idea how to say all the feelings that are instantly conjured when my mind turns to these five days. hmmm, I will probably spell it wrong, but I think those of you who were there will know what I'm saying... soooo.... :-) Camp was:
The inner depth that each of these Star Children were able to dive down to was awe-inspiring. They became my teachers, showing me how to willingly drop veils and reveal the truth of their individual souls. Their tears, their fears, their concerns, their laughter, their perfect smiles guided me each step of the day. I became the love they emit, expanding into an intricate weaving their pureness wove around all of us. Each of these youngsters are incredible and I wish I'd had more time with them, but 5 days of continual process and events passes very quickly. So, aside from what I've written here, I'd like to say something to each one individually below.
it came as a beautiful flower expanding and blossoming in my mind and my heart, an invitation that expanded quickly throughout my entire body, manifesting within a two week period of time.
"Kisma, can you come to the Nederlands for the Youngster's Spring Camp?" asked Joanne.
"YES!" this was my immediate reply. I did not even need to think about it. The impulse shot through me in those moments of complete certainty we have when knowing it IS what we want, need, and fully support happening in our life.
Even though I had not yet discussed it with my family, even when I was uncertain where the funds would come from AND before I knew my passport had expired in 2013, I asked for the dates and Joanne replied, "Can you be here around April 24 or 25th? The camp is the 29th April to 3rd May."
I had just two days over two weeks to make this happen. lol
Did it! But of course I did! The plane lifted into the sky late afternoon on the 24th of April. Eleven hours later I arrived, tired but extremely excited at Dusseldorf Airport, took the train to Arnhem where Joanne picked me up.
And 40 minutes later I arrived at her home that would become my home also for the next three weeks. Tell me, wouldn't you be thrilled to stay in this home for three weeks too?
I know! right?!!! Home Sweet Home! A little piece of heaven I can to eat, sleep, laugh, dance, play, cry, and just be in. *whispers: "Thank you!"*
The gardens surrounding the house were simply full of elementals and fairies!
By the way, this is just the front gardens. The back gardens I'll show in another blog as they are simply spectacular!
Well, the jet-lag is hitting me and I'm needing a little nap... so so so, I'll pause here for a bit, and continue later today or tomorrow.
You see I have been on an incredible journey since late March, one that expanded me and traveled me to Holland and back again.
Where do I begin to share with you all that has happened? Certainly, there is so much that wants -- no! NEEDS -- to be shared, and that need comes from the experience itself, the frequencies I've moved through and now vibrate with.
So I begin returned... my sweet and gentle Mari so happy to be with me again and I with her. My desk adorned with flowers from my loving son Tristan, and three weeks of collected fairy shells from my adoring husband Jack and one even from Mari.
This morning I stood here, gazing upon the sensation of all the words that wanted to pour out of me. I stood gazing upon this peaceful place that supports my inner self, and tears started to fall because I am filled up to over-flowing with sensations, with feelings, with love.
I can't remember the exact month I was told about the Healing Arts ~ Liquid Light Frequencies; it seems like it was last November during a session I had with Suandra Newberry, but it was deffinately Suandra who invited me to come check them out in January of this year, and I did. (I've shared about this in a previous blog). Well, when I walked into the NOW Center @ Visions & Dreams, I knew immediately where these frequencies were located. I could feel them almost grab me and draw me to them. I had an interesting experience with them.
Having worked with flower essences since 1982, I intuited three boxes out of the 12 laid out, then proceeded to dwindle it down to two boxes and then one frequency: Alchamama 22.
Alchemama 22 brings you in touch with your inner child in a special way. You feel a deep joy, love and simplicity. This remedy is healing for all fathers and mothers. Their roles are brought onto a higher plan. Now they can come into contact with their children at a deeper level. They experience the joy, love and simplicity mutually. The value of the roles of motherhood and fatherhood are reinstated. Things at home go more smoothly. Through more love being there, material things resonate to it as well so that a house becomes dirty less quickly, for example. The time has come to play more with our children and to receive more joy. Enjoy the simple things of life. [ ]
Alchemama 22
The past is no longer relevant. Only the present matters and the now just IS. You are living now. There
is quietitude because everything we need is just present. And you need very little since your body no
longer needs compensation for whatever. For many people it requires some getting used to not to speak about the past.
Alchemama 22 prepares our knowledge of mathematics, astronomy and sacred geometry. The latter is
so complex that we can never comprehend or grasp it from our unawakened human capacities, but it
is knowledge we need to be able to travel and develop as universal beings. You could compare it to an
external hard disk that is linked to us. It is about planetary knowledge that even goes beyond the
Akashic records. (The knowledge of Kathara healing by Ashayana Deane (levels 1-4) provides a good
foundation). You could say that it is about the ‘umbrella level’ of the Akashic records, co-ordinating
universal knowledge from all the planets and in all dimensions.
This light remedy helps us to get used to a new way of using our brains. We start to learn how to
transform the limited logic of a third dimensional human being to the activation of the higher
dimensions in the DNA, chains 6 – 12 and all their sub-dimensions (see ‘Integrating DNA from other
dimensions’) and all the levels from which we have been cut off for millions of years, but which are
resonating as potentials in the earth’s morphogenetic field since the year 2000. Some people may
react strongly to this remedy because the knowledge that is already present in their cellular awareness
becomes activated.
The series of Healing Arts that follows on from the Alchemamas represent the masculine energy, just
as the Alchemama represent the feminine energy, and hence takes care of the balance, so that both can be integrated into our being-human up to a form of being androgynous. We have quite a way to go
in this process.
The personal aspects addressed by the higher Alchemamas do not have to do with the personality
alone, but also have a cosmic significance. If someone has been busy lifelong with the question of
what constitutes good food, then that is not only a personal quest, but also something that needs to be
given a fresh answer at a cosmic level. In researching this completely someone may end up at the
essence of living food and he can also help the trees and plants to recover their stellar connection. He
can also through his consciousness support the devas and elves to take up their original functions.
Hence not only is the intrinsic living quality of the food that we eat changed (Megre), but also what is
excreted is changed into a more fertile manure.
Alchemama 21 addressed the matter of healers letting go of their magical aspect. This also plays a
part with Alchemama 22. Thus the rituals of ancient alchemy now become transparent methods of
working. There is no longer anything secretive; it is no longer sorcery. It is simply based on
metaphysical laws that each person can learn to apply. The only precondition is that the human has a
basically loving nature.
Allchemama 22 resonates to the whale energy and cleanses all the bodily fluids. And it cleanses the
waters of the earth and all beings that live in water.
We not only make contact with the earth; the earth also seeks connection with us through dialogue.
So, when I received an email flyer about the Healing Arts training in Los Angeles late March of this year, I immediately registered for the 4-day event. AND, when I met Joanne van Wijerden, the founder of Healing Arts and the major co-creator of the Liquid Light Frequencies, Elaine von Nuding, Ralf van der Duin and Nancy Jacobs, I knew I'd come home.
Me, Elaine & Joanne @ Pacific Palisades, CA Advanced Training, March 2014
After the 4-day INTENSIVE, wait, did I say that intensively enough? lol
I went home and was so blown away by what I'd experienced and learned to become a Healing Arts therapist & distributor for the Liquid Light Frequencies that I knew I would be traveling to the Nederlands; I just didn't realize how quickly THAT would manifest.