Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Spring Camp Happens

Back row (left to right): me, Elaine, Saskia, Sara, Inge, Kari, Lisa, Louis, Jay, Sterre, Maja, Esther, Emmie, Djurre, John (under Djurre), Jules and Jo (under Jules)
Middle row (left to right): Ralf, Bas, Giel, Frederique, Cedric, Jaap, Tessa, Jodie, and Joanne
The 2 in front (left to right):  Leeuwerik and Cornelia

I simply have no idea how to say all the feelings that are instantly conjured when my mind turns to these five days.  hmmm, I will probably spell it wrong, but I think those of you who were there will know what I'm saying... soooo.... :-)  Camp was:


The inner depth that each of these Star Children were able to dive down to was awe-inspiring. They became my teachers, showing me how to willingly drop veils and reveal the truth of their individual souls. Their tears, their fears, their concerns, their laughter, their perfect smiles guided me each step of the day. I became the love they emit, expanding into an intricate weaving their pureness wove around all of us. Each of these youngsters are incredible and I wish I'd had more time with them, but 5 days of continual process and events passes very quickly. So, aside from what I've written here, I'd like to say something to each one individually below.


From process to fun events

it was an incredible experience! 

Every moment golden in time...

Thank you to all!

Saskia & Inge

Saskia ~ I will always treasure your cool elf ears! They were perfect, though perhaps they may have amplified sound :) . You have a keen ability of penetrating right to the point of what you feel and believe. Never forget your body is a tuning fork, it will always register vibration for you. The moment it begins to hum, you can register if what you feel is positive or negative. This skill is a wonderful asset to have. Use it always to augur each and every situation. Always use that lovely smile to show other people, life is worth living!  *hugs*

Inge ~ I loved watching you speak, especially that day in your car! lol  You blossomed right before my eyes from reserved and unsure you were in the right place, into a strong and self-confident young woman. You are a natural guide, for your willingness and desire to share your acquired knowledge in art during the drawing meditation with the trees (omg they turned out so cool!) showed just how easily you can step into that place. My wish for you is to always find the laughter. *hugs*

Jodie & Djurre

Jodie ~ A pleasure to meet you Jodie and share with you my story of Ireland and Lugh that day we walked in the woods. You are a fairy (and I think you know that I know one when I see one).  When a fairy walks in this world the challenges come and shake the very ground under our feet.  But you are stronger than you realize and I am so happy to be able to know you and share your deepening with you. Don't let anyone's words stop you or dwarf the truth you own. Go for it!  *hugs* 

Djurre ~ You made me sit up and listen to the words that flowed from you the morning you finally allowed the wisdom to channel through you. I know you feel lost sometimes, but the truth is, Djurre, you are already on your path walking your journey... you simply haven't realized that yet. :-)  Your journey has great gifts for you, and you in turn will share those gifts with all of us, for that's the way of your soul.  Thank you for being a messenger.  *hugs*

Tessa & Leeuwerik

Tessa ~ Oh such a jewel! How happy I am to know you. Inside you is an incredible soul! Your smile is golden and your eyes are magic! I wish we could have spent more time together. :-) *hugs*

Lyrik ~ lol... yes I could not say your name properly and so shortened it :-P  Little angel face! You are very sweet and I loved joking with you. So quiet and serious during process, appearing to simply kick back and relax, maybe even appear to be day-dreaming, but inside that head of yours I could hear the deep understanding that would spring forth and the observed clarity of many processes. Share these more with others cuz you're right on with them.  :-)  *hugs*


Sara ~ You arrived holding such sorrow and pain inside you. A gentle young woman who deserves happiness and love. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your healing. (More on you in another blog!  :-p) *hugs*   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgJxpr_8eOY


Jules ~ A gentle young man whose own soul reflects the mind of the "elder." Your youthful wisdom is very endearing Jules. Listen to it and follow your heart; always, in the end you'll be happy you did. I enjoyed getting to know you better my last few days in Holland. Thank you for such a genuine smile. *hugs*


Maja ~ *smiles softly* the sweet daughter of Mother Nature. Thank you for being!  You know many things and are trusted by many. That I respect. Your gentle nature and willingness to live a utopian life shines bright.  This song says it all between us, for you and I are real flower girls ;-) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrkG37NQ6GY


Ralf ~ Well, I will only say one thing here about YOU... love you! (More to come on you in another blog. lol)


Cedric ~ More my pleasure (than yours, I think) to meet you. :-)  Thank you for the gift of your soul for in you I see the Music of the Spheres. Never doubt you change people's lives by sharing this gift with the world.  Thank you Cedric.

Sterre & Jay

Sterre ~ From the first evening of the camp until the last, you were a sweet essence flitting about. You will have such a playful life Sterre! I know you will as I watched how you made the best of every situation. Keep laughing. *hugs*

Jay ~ hmmm, let me see, what do I want to say to you?  :-)  Mostly it's this: Stay true to yourself Jay, and never think that who you are now isn't important. You are. Trust that. In time you will truly see that claiming your authentic self will take you farther in life than anything else. You have great influence over others, never take that for granted. I wish you only the best in life. *hugs*


Lisa ~ Dolphin Child, Star Child, Sister of the Elementals, Daughter of Nature, your spirit shines bright. Oneday I would wish you to speak "dolphin" with my son Tristan; he has spoken their language and to them since he was a very small child. :-)  *warm hug*


Louie ~ :-)  I am so happy to have met you! So happy you came. You have such an incredible quality hiding inside of you and I feel it pushing to be free! Be true to yourself. Everyone has lots of advice, including me, but most importantly, always follow your heart because the truth is, only YOU know what's the right direction. *hugs*

Esther & Emmie

Esther ~ It was nice to spend time with you Esther. I think that morning you shared with me about your fun walk with Jay & Louis was the real you! As unlike the shy and quiet girl you are in a group, when we were alone you were all smiles and animated! I love that side of you and hope you will share it more and more with others. Thank you for that time together. *hugs* 

Emmie ~ my little songbird! Oh, how I love your voice! Everytime you sing, all I can do is close my eyes and listen! Beautiful! Thank you for the morning you sang to me, it was one of my special moments at the Spring Camp. I shall never for get it or you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNzCDt2eidg  *hugs*


Jo ~ I'll get to you in another blog :-p


Bas ~ Hello you! Well I think you already know what I am going to say (again! lol) to you, but it's this: you have the incredible gift of clear speaking! Even more so than many adults I know. Such clarity is rare, so don't take it for granted. You are an elf to me! And I loved the sound of your voice when you would speak the wisdom from deep inside of you! Best wishes on your journey Bas! *hugs*


Frederique ~ I know we did not get to spend time together, but I was honored to witness the frequency healing on you toward the end of camp. Wow! it was intense, and the light that reflected in your face afterwards was brilliant... I think it matches the brightness of you. Wishing you an incredible life! *hugs*


Giel ~ :-)   Our connection transcends words.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QWG5Ap4tVs


Cornelia ~ I loved meeting you! Thank you for sharing YOU with me. I have lovely memories of the times we shared. Stay in touch!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzR7u4rwFSY  *hugs*


These best wishes in no way begins to communicate how I feel but I don't know how else to write it without going day-by-day, maybe it conveys how my life has been changed because of each of the youngsters....

You know, it's hard for me to say this, but here goes: at Spring Camp I felt like a youngster myself. :-)

This song is dedicated to ALL of US who held hands, hugged, danced, cried, laughed, sat silently in the afterglow of such incredible bliss, and who know life is only great because of the ones we share it with... <3 You All.

... more to come ...


  1. So this is for Robin! I wanted you to know that I loved spending time with you and talking with you. You have such wonderful qualities in your heart! I loved your honesty and your willingness to open-up and tell it to me. Too often we hold back our truth and then constantly ask ourselves "why?" I wish you an incredible life Robin, and I'm so sorry to overlook you on the original blog. *hugs* <3 Kisma

  2. OMG Karolina I'm so sorry for overlooking you! I don't have any photo of you! How'd that happen? Well, I know we never got to talk, but when you first shared about yourself on that first day I remember thinking you had lots going for you and that it was going to be interesting going through the experience with you. I wish we'd gotten to know each other a little more, but I feel you're pretty special. I wish you all the best! *hugs* <3 Kisma
