Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Roller-Coaster Ride

Each of us has heard life referred to as a roller-coaster ride... sometimes we go up and down, around and around, upside down, backwards, and forwards... always moving forward. The ride might stop, and we rest on a plateau for a little bit, sometimes longer for those people who choose to remain stagnant, but for the most of us, we hop back on the ride soon enough and continue the excitement.

On this ride we sometimes join with new people, sit beside them for a bit, perhaps learn their true nature and decide at the next platform, we'll hop out of that car and wait for the next one. Sometimes, we gather those people around us who are really co-creative, non-competitive, and not operating in fear, to join us in that next car-ride. That's when the excitement forms and we squeal in delight, and never step into victim mode with one another when the ride takes us upside down. In that car filled with the ones we love, never is there a competitive nature, when the ride takes us sideways or up, up, up... but rather, that's when our hands reach out and take hold of one another's hands and we climb up, up, up together, not for solo attention.

The roller-coaster ride, shows us the ones who are not trustworthy. The ones who smile to our face, but who have only mean-spirited words to say about us behind our back, which such an attitude is not co-creative, nor supports unity of souls.

The roller-coaster ride, shows us the ones who are supportive. The ones who laugh with us and cry with us, find solutions with us, co-create with us for the benefit of all, and not for self glory or aggrandizement.

The roller-coaster ride, brings like-minded people together, those who are meant to be together. You feel them. You feel at home. You feel secure around them. You know you can trust them with your best intentions. You know you can trust them when you are struggling. You know they will not take everything you say personally when you share your inner worries and concerns. You know they won't make EVERYTHING about themselves. They are balanced. They are happy at their core. They are love at their core.

I guess an important point I'm trying to make is, sometimes like-minded people don't mean we will resonate with them after we take a ride with them, and once you've identified that, you are free to get out of their car. You are FREE to co-create with those who really are aligned with your vibration, and are in the same frequency. In fact, that's very healthy. Never, NEVER, force yourself to be involved with a person you know you do not vibrate with. Yes, this is an ideal outlook. I hear you saying, "Yes, but what about that co-worker at the office who I always butt heads with, we work together?  Or... "Yes, but what about my colleague who always takes everything I say personally?"  Or... "Yes, but we are part of the same team, so how do I choose not to be involved with them?"  Or... "Yes, but he's my boss, now what?" (get a new job... smiles... if you must)  Or... "Yes, but she's my sister."  -- The "yes, buts" can be endless.

However, the answer I believe is simple, and you actually have one action to take. First, respect yourself by not trying to bend-over backwards to appease that person. Don't enable their victim mentality. Stand in your integrity, in your heart space. Center your self. Breathe and relax when you must be in the same space as that person, especially when you FEEL their aggressive energy flying at you. Sometimes your very presence will agitate this type of person as they either envy you (are jealous of you), or your truth mirrors to them something inside them that they need to personally work on and transform. No matter what, always Be kind to them. Rather than interact with them, simply listen and speak only when you need to and never directly to them, but to EVERYONE in the room.

When you are in a situation that involves only the two of you, HOLD your vibration. STAY in your heart center. SPEAK only if necessary. Don't go into their drama. To keep peaceful and aligned, sometimes the best solution to the situation is to excuse yourself and walk away.

You do instantly change the situation by recognizing how involved you need to be with that individual. Never compete with that person, but rather support their goals and celebrate their successes; be understanding of their failures, and above all, hold compassion for them. Pick and choose when you need to be involved with them. Always remember, sometimes the right solution is the easy solution, so don't hesitate to walk away from them. Because staying there and engaging in their pattern only enables their continued aggressive and negative behavior.

No matter what the relationship might be, or what the situation is...

Be the constant peace. Be the constant presence of love. Be the soul.


By Ellie Drew & Mindrol

I AM LOVE, A drop from the eternal ocean
I come from Love, I return to Love

My drop of Love catches a ride on a spark of light
I come to experience, to create
in this playground of God

The light, my container,
A powerful tool - a body with thought and feeling
Allows me earth's precious experience

My drop resides in the center of light
With my heart the only true teacher
I AM LOVE, riding the light until it fades

Lost in the trappings of the mind
Attached to the illusions of experience
I sometimes forget I am Love's perfection

But when I leave this experience of riding the light
I return to Love's embrace
To remember I have always been LOVE

I release the illusion of imperfection
For I am Love, I come from Love, I return to Love

Until next blog...
Wishing you an incredible roller-coaster ride of life with LOVE!


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